
Short-term Executive/Senior Management

Looking for someone to lead your organization, an operational department or high-profile project while you search for the perfect candidate to permanently fill the role? Interim Executive can help. Whether recruiting for a City Manager, department head or senior manager, Interim Executive can fill your short term void and keep your organization moving forward. Interim Executive provides the bridge from recruitment to permanent hire in a professional and experienced way so your organization does not miss a beat.

Transactional Representation

Interim Executive has a long history of leading negotiating teams on a variety of projects, issues and programs. In addition to the ability to lead negotiations, Interim Executive also brings value with skill in coordinating various City disciplines, including legal teams and specialized consultants, that have a specific role in a program or project negotiation. Representation can either augment an existing staff team or, for smaller organizations that may not have dedicated or skilled resources, Interim Executive can act in lieu of staff.

Special Projects

With familiarity of all aspects of local government organizations and high-level research skills, Interim Executive is well suited to take on special projects to either augment existing staff or in lieu of staffing resources. Project experience ranges from policy research & development, legislation formation and new program development to process evaluation and improvement, strategic planning and financing strategies.

Leadership Training & Development

Over several years of leading diverse staff from many different disciplines, Interim Executive principal Philip Lanzafame has demonstrated an ability to bring leadership principals to various organizations resulting in sustained improvement, success and employee satisfaction. Let us share our experience with a Ted Talk-like session and design a follow-up program tailored for your need.